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Academic Planning

In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Fall 2023
End Term
End Term:
Fall 2024 (projected)
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Equity and Inclusion
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Academic Plan
Strategic Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

The landscape of higher education has changed drastically in the last few years. M State embarked on the academic planning process to identify bold and clearly defined academic offerings on each M State campus as part of an overall growth and sustainability plan for an even stronger future.



  • Engage multiple stakeholders to seek input (e.g., employees, President’s Advisory Council, community leaders)
  • Create an academic plan that will help determine the college’s future academic offerings and niche for campus growth and sustainability
  • Implement the plan
Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Project Goals

  • Develop an academic plan for implementation for the 2023-24 academic year and beyond
  • Utilize the academic plan to develop further plans, including enrollment, marketing and facilities

Key Performance Indicators

  • Enrollment
  • Space utilization

Reporting of Results

  • Consult bargaining units.
  • Sharing results with the college community during an Open Forum
  • Community leaders notified via email
  • Broader community notified via a press release
Financial Impact

Financial Impact

There have been some areas that have been reduced in order to make investments. The College will shift resources to this plan to focus on growth and sustainability.

Summary of Results

Summary of Results

M State sees change as an opportunity adapt and meet the needs of the region. In recognition of the impact of the pandemic on student enrollment patterns, the college used a comprehensive process to determine the College’s academic niche.

The College began the academic planning process at the beginning of AY23 to take a deep dive into the programs M State offers and how they are aligned with projections to meet the needs of our communities. The academic plan drives College decisions including support services, enrollment and marketing strategies, facilities, investments, and budgets. The academic planning process included a review of student enrollment patterns, facility needs, and the progress of program revitalization plans. The communities’ economy, population growth, and housing realities were also considered.

A variety of input was collected to inform the academic plan, including input from employees, President’s Advisory Council members and community leaders. The College specifically solicited feedback from community leaders who do not have direct ties to the college from a variety of industry fields, including healthcare, construction, transportation, and manufacturing. Approximately 40 community leaders participated in individual meetings with M State’s president, 35 leaders attended and gave feedback at community advisory council meetings. More than 150 employees provided input during the employee academic planning sessions. During these employee sessions, a survey tool called Mentimeter was used to allow employees to answer survey questions anonymously in an open and safe environment to make sure that everyone’s voice was heard. The Campus Academic Plans are reflective of all input received and data reviewed.