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ENTR1201 - Entrepreneurship II: Starting your Business



3 (3/0/0)


In this course, students experience real-world and hands-on activities needed to start a business venture. Students develop strategies, including talking with customers, partners, competitors and advisors that provide valuable input, as they explore the various facets of a business idea and how those facets interact to produce a working business model. Students who complete this course will be well-positioned to write a business plan and will be able to answer the question, "Will anyone other than you want your product or service?"


  1. Recognize the effects of decisions on others.
  2. Analyze business ownership forms and licensing requirements.
  3. Perform quantitative market research techniques to gain understanding of customer wants/needs.
  4. Perform qualitative market research techniques to gain understanding of customer motivations.
  5. Create a competitive advantage strategy.
  6. Determine marketing strategies through segmentation and targeting.
  7. Develop a unique value proposition through positioning strategies.
  8. Analyze and assess competitors.
  9. Perform a Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats (SWOT) analysis.
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