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Online Quality

In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Summer 2023
End Term
End Term:
Summer 2025 (projected)
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Dean of Business, IT, and Academic Innovation
Core Team
Core Team:

Dean of Business, IT, and Academic Innovation, faculty representatives from the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), IT, student services (including advising, counseling, enrollment management, financial aid), academic support (tutoring, library services, etc.), and other services (accessibility resources, DEI, bookstores/course material, etc.), marketing

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Equity and Inclusion
Financial Sustainability
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

  1. Improve the quality of the online experience for our students
    • Quality of online teaching
    • Increasing student engagement
    • Assessing effectiveness of courses and support services
    • Role of instructional design
    • Define appropriate support services for online students
  2. Grow enrollments in online courses and programs by improving the quality of courses and strategically determining the appropriate mix of online and face to face programs and courses


  1. Enhance internal communication between faculty and support services
    • Define role of CTLT
    • Develop a system for communication between faculty and support services
  2. Create a website landing page to onboard students to the online environment
    • Update current videos for an orientation for online learning (navigating D2L, etc.)
    • Update reference guides and templates
    • Provide IT support, information and ways students can connect
    • Provide academic support service information and ways students can connect (tutoring, library services, exam proctoring, etc.)
    • Provide student support service information and ways students can connect (advising, success navigators, counseling, early alerts, etc.)
    • Provide additional support service information and ways students can connect (bookstore/course materials, accessibility resources, credit for prior learning, etc.)
    • Communicate opportunities and expectations for student engagement
  3. Reevaluate methods to ensure consistent quality of online courses (Quality Matters, etc.)
    • Determine current and future roles of instructional designers (perhaps beyond CTLT)
    • Increase student engagement and sense of belonging through Regular and Substantive Interactions (RSI)
    • Provide tools and software to faculty who teach online via current processes
    • Create more opportunities for faculty development and conversations related to online teaching and learning
    • Ensure course accessibility
    • Plan and provide professional development opportunities to faculty teaching online courses
  4. Create a strategic plan for online learning
    • Coordinate a work group to develop a strategic plan
    • Develop equitable outcomes
    • Ensure mixture of online and face to face programs/courses
    • Determine and include a way for students to connect to appropriate support services (e.g. IT, CTLT, tutoring, advising, etc.)
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope

Quality of online courses, resources for online students, instructional designers, role of CTLT

Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Project Goals

  • Improve quality of online instruction
  • Develop a strategic plan for online learning
  • Increase student engagement

Key Performance Indicators/Metrics

  • Number of students in online courses and programs
  • Measure of quality of online courses (TBD)
  • Creating a webpage/resource page for online students and create a brief orientation to convey information and expectations. Success measured by website traffic.
  • Creating of work group to improve communication and outcomes
  • Increase student engagement as measured by survey and/or review of a sample of courses

Metric Collection and Review Schedule 


Reporting of Results

  • College Forums
  • Through the annual accomplishments reporting process


Resources dedicated to support services for online students, ability to implement a quality measurement for online courses, we currently operate mostly on an 8-4:15 schedule for students services.

Financial Impact

Financial Impact

  • Increased enrollment in online courses and programs leading to increased tuition revenue
  • Potential investment in supports for online students, including instructional design and technology to support online courses