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Guided Learning Pathway for Unstructured AA Degree

In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Summer 2023
End Term
End Term:
Spring 2024
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Dean for the School of Liberal Arts and Science
Core Team
Core Team:

Dean for the School of Liberal Arts and Science, Key Faculty, Advising, Enrollment Management

Ad Hoc team
Ad Hoc team:

Institutional Research

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to develop two to three structured AA pathways that appeal to students and encourage Fall to Fall persistence. This is in response to a drastic decline in enrollment and retention in M State's AA degree.



Two to three GLP models will be developed within the AA degree.

  • Phase I: Data collection from focus groups of students (early Fall 2023), develop a tracking mechanism (cohort code) to track students’ progress.
  • Phase II:
    • Using the data, develop experiential co-curricular components to align with identified cored courses within the areas of interest.
    • Based on student input, develop 2-3 areas of interest in which we develop a GLP.
    • Use the HSBF and Engineering pathways as a guide.
  • Phase III: Roll out a soft launch in Spring 2024, with a full pilot of a cohort GLP for Fall 2024.
  • Explore re-branding the AA in LAS as something else. Determine how to market a liberal arts degree in this current political/economic era.
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope

Determine what experiences may be missing from enrollment in the AA degree and what the college can do to provide a robust experience for AA students to promote retention. Provide resources to help students understand how they can finish and how they can “see the path” towards a goal. 

Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Project Goals

  • Increase student enrollment, first-term success, and fall to fall success through developing 2-3 GLP for AA degree.
  • Determine if re-brand of the AA in liberal arts and sciences is warranted. If so, discern what a new name would be.

Key Performance Indicators/Metrics

  • Student enrollment into GLP / Cohort.
  • Student success rates in first term.
  • Student retention rate to spring term.
  • Student fall to fall graduation or retention rate.

Metrics Collection and Review Schedule

  • Data will be collected term to term and annually. Results will be shared via written reports.


  • Student and parent buy-in.
  • Community college stigma.
  • Many variables as to why students leave.
Financial Impact

Financial Impact

If the college increases Fall-to-Fall retention, it will be a net positive financial gain for the institution.