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Health Sciences Program Audit and Environmental Scan

Start Term
Start Term:
Summer 2023
End Term
End Term:
Spring 2024
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Dean of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing
Core Team
Core Team:

Dean of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing (HSHSN), HSHSN Program Directors, Consultant

Ad Hoc team
Ad Hoc team:

HSHSN Faculty and Staff, Industry Leadership

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Equity and Inclusion
Financial Sustainability
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

Health Sciences are the largest program area at M State and serves industry needs on all four campuses. Health careers are in high demand and M State is receiving pressure to graduate more health care technicians in more program areas.

The current program offerings and modes of delivery have evolved over time without an intentional high-level analysis of labor market needs and delivery modes. This project will review data and determine if our programs are being delivered at the right times (i.e. are evening/weekend cohorts viable program options, etc.) and in the most appropriate delivery modes.

Most programs in the School of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing have selective admission requirements. These have been in place for quite some time with little to no review. This project will seek to review current admission/selection criteria and compare with other programs in the Minnesota State system and other regional competitors in order to make recommended changes to remove unnecessary barriers for prospective students while balancing the need for appropriate best practices in health sciences program admissions.

This project will systematically and intentionally review current and projected labor market data, stated industry needs, the M State health sciences program offerings and delivery modes and make recommendations for future programs and delivery modes. 



  • A comprehensive review of area labor market needs (current and projected).
  • A Health Sciences Industry Summit will be held. Feedback will go into final project recommendations.
  • A comprehensive review of current health sciences offerings and delivery modes and make recommendations for changes as necessary based upon labor market industry and industry needs/recommendations.
  • A comprehensive review of selective program admission requirements with specific recommendations for change as appropriate.
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope

All current health sciences programs will be reviewed; A detailed report will be prepared and presented to Cabinet for input/approval and implementation.

Out of Scope

Implementation of programmatic and delivery changes will take place over the next several years.

Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures


  • A consultant will be contracted to conduct research and develop a final report and recommendations.
  • New programs will be identified.
  • Recommendations to change/enhance current programs and delivery modes will be identified.

Metrics/Key Performance Indicators

A comprehensive implementation plan will be developed with timeline goals and financial impact.

Metric Review Schedule

Recommendations will be included in the final report which will be submitted by the Dean of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing to the Vice President/Provost for Academic Affairs and then to Cabinet. The anticipated deadline is March 15, 2024.



Time, finances for new programs and related staffing and lab spaces.

Financial Impact

Financial Impact

By intentionally reviewing health sciences programs the college will realize program efficiencies and increased enrollment, which will positively impact the bottom line.