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ESTH1003 - License Preparation AP Esthetician



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This course will prepare the advanced practice esthetician student for the general theory exam, written practical exam and Minnesota laws and rules exam issued by the Minnesota State Board of Cosmetology. Additionally, the student will practice mock tests in preparation for skills certification. Advanced practice esthetician students will review their knowledge and skills in all theory and practical topics learned throughout their training. Completion of this course will help the student identify areas of weakness that need additional review prior to scheduling their state exams.


  1. Complete mock advanced practice esthetician state board examinations.
  2. Identify means to improve areas of challenge.
  3. Prepare all paperwork needed to take the advanced practice esthetician general theory, state and written practical examinations.
  4. Complete various practice tests from every theory course listed in the advanced practice esthetician program plan.
  5. Perform mock skills certification in all advanced practice esthetician services.
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