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Health Sciences Reasoning Test-Associate Degree (HSRT-AD) Entrance Exam 

Applicants for admission to M State's nursing programs and Sonography-Echocardiography Technology program must take the HSRT-AD exam. 

The HSRT-AD measures critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills necessary to meet study requirements and achieve success in a health science degree program. 

The HSRT-AD assesses the following reasoning skills:

  • HSRT - OVERALL- Sustained use of critical thinking to form reasoned judgements
  • Analysis – Accurate identification of the problem and decision- critical elements
  • Inference – Drawing warranted and logical conclusions from reasons and evidence
  • Evaluation – Assessing credibility of claims and the strengths of arguments
  • Induction – Reasoned judgement in ambiguous, risky, and uncertain contexts
  • Deduction – Reasoned judgement in precisely defined, logically rigorous contexts
  • Numeracy – Sustained use of critical thinking skills in quantitative contexts

Important details

Students must receive the following HSRT-AD overall score:
  • Practical Nursing - 65 percent or higher
  • Associate Degree Nursing - 70 percent or higher (Effective for fall 2025 admission)
  • LPN to ADN Bridge - 73 percent or higher
  • Sonography - Echocardiography Technology - 73 percent or higher
Additional details:
  • HSRT-AD scores expire one year after the test date. HSRT-AD scores must be valid at the time of the application deadline.
  • You may take the HSRT-AD up to two times per application cycle. If testing for a second time, you must wait two weeks (14 calendar days) between attempts.
  • The HSRT-AD exam must be taken at an M State campus.
  • You will have 50 minutes to answer 35 scenario-based questions. Tests are scored on a 100-point corresponding qualitative rating (superior, strong, moderate, weak, not manifested).
  • Calculators are prohibited.
  • The exam cost is $50, which is the responsibility of the student. All HSRT-AD registrations are final, with no refunds or reschedules.
  • The exam must be taken through M State. We do not offer a remote option.
  • If you require accommodations for testing, you must sign up seven business days before the testing date. To schedule accommodations, visit Accessibility Resources or email


Registration and payment required 48 hours in advance. Test cost is $50 at the time of registration.

We strongly suggest completing pre-payment in E-services:

  1. Log in to your SpartanNet account
  2. Select the E-Services button and sign in
  3. Click on Bills and Payment
  4. Select "Make a pre-payment"
  5. Select “Pre-payment HSRT – Testing”
  6. Enter "$50" and pay by credit card or e-check

Register for the HSRT exam

On Test Day

  • Bring a photo ID – verification will be required before testing
  • Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early for check-in
  • Provide proof of payment for the exam at check-in
  • The following items are prohibited during the test:
    • Food and drink
    • Textbooks or reference books
    • Sunglasses, hats and hoods
    • Electronic devices, including calculators
    • Personal items


You MUST take the test by the application deadline. Please see program admissions requirements for current deadlines:

Nursing programs admission requirements

Sonography-Echocardiography-Technology program admission requirements

Study Resources

Sample Quiz

A free sample practice quiz is available to M State students to prepare for the HSRT.

You must be an M State student to request the sample quiz. 

• To request the sample quiz, please complete the HSRT Sample Quiz Request Form. You must be an admitted M State student to request the quiz.
• Your request will be filled within 1-2 business days.
• Look for an email from with your username and password.
• If you have not received a practice test code after two business days, please email
• You are limited to one free practice quiz.