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Solicitation on College Premises Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
College Organization and Administrative
Effective date:
November 14, 2024


To maintain a proper educational and business environment, prevent interference with the work of the institution, and preclude inconvenience to College employees and students.



The act of asking for or trying to obtain contributions/donations, or the selling or promotion of goods or services.

College Premises

Any property owned, leased or in the control of the College, any property used for official activities provided or sponsored by the institution in the conduct of any instructional, administrative or performance functions and events.

College Official

Any College employee that has delegated authority to speak on behalf of the College.


Non-College Solicitation

Solicitation from the public on College premises is prohibited, unless the organization/individual has prior authorization from a College official. Authorization must be requested for each instance the organization/individual is on the College premises.

Non-College related advertisements may be posted in designated areas (e.g. bulletin boards, campus monitors, etc.) with the authorization of the dean of students or their designee.

If prior authorization is not granted for non-College solicitation, the organization/individual will be asked to leave the College premises and/or the advertisements will be removed.

College Employee or Student Solicitation

Employees shall follow Minnesota State system Procedure 1C.0.1 Employee Code of Conduct as it pertains to solicitation on campus. Recognized student organizations may fundraise if authorized by the director of student life or designee.

Data Privacy

The College will not release any personal information, information contained in a personnel file, or student records unless permitted or required by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statute §13, Minnesota State Community and Technical College Student Directory Data Policy, and any other applicable federal or state laws and/or College policies.


College Official

Authorization of non-College solicitation on College premises.

Dean of Students or Designee

Authorization of non-College related advertisements for posting in designated areas on College premises.


Anyone that is not an employee or student at the College must seek prior authorization from a College official to solicit. Seeking authorization from a College official at least one week prior to the date the solicitor is requesting to be on the premises is recommended.


Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statute §13

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Student Directory Data Policy

Minnesota State system Procedure 1C.0.1 Employee Code of Conduct

Policy author(s):
Dr. Matthew J. Borcherding


DateDescription of Change

New policy.