SURT1222 - Surgical Technology II
6 (3/3/0)
This course expands students' knowledge of the role of the surgical technologist in an operating room. The course considers procedures in the orthopedic, oral maxillofacial and ophthalmic systems, building on a foundation of patient care related to these body systems. Concepts of surgical hemostasis, wound healing and wound closure in the perioperative phases are introduced. The laboratory portion of this course presents foundational skills necessary for clinical practice in a surgical environment in the role of the surgical technologist.
- Admittance into the surgical technology program.
- SURT1210
- Identify basic principles of electrical current.
- Identify and describe general pathophysiological concepts of cells, tumors, infection and disease that disrupt homeostasis.
- Define and identify diseases/disorders of each body system, include diagnostic tests used for identification of the disease/disorder.
- Describe and identify herniations of the body wall and define surgical repair.
- Interpret the responsibilities of risk management in the care of a surgical patient.
- Identify and describe wound classifications and surgical care.
- Apply safety considerations for use with electrocautery in surgery.
- Explain and demonstrate urinary catheterization.
- Describe the sequence of opening and closing surgical wounds.
- Determine proper use of preference or pick lists.
- Differentiate instrumentation, equipment and supplies needed for surgical specialties.
- Identify appropriate prep solutions and prepping techniques for a variety of surgical procedures.
- Identify appropriate sponges, dressing and packing for a variety of surgical procedures.
- Identify appropriate catheters, drains and tubes for a variety of surgical procedures.
- Demonstrate basic care and handling of suture, stapling or gluing materials.
- Identify endoscopic instrumentation and operative procedures.
- Name methods of surgical hemostasis used during the intraoperative phase.
- Describe complications of wound healing.
- Select suture materials according to anatomical specialty area.