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SURT1230 - Surgical Technology III



4 (4/0/0)


This course continues to expands the student's knowledge of the role of the surgical technologist in the operating room. The course considers procedures of the lymphatic, circulatory, vascular and nervous systems, building on the foundation of patient care relating to these body systems in the different perioperative phases.


  1. Differentiate general pathophysiological concepts of cells, tumors, infection and disease that disrupt homeostasis.
  2. Summarize diseases and disorders of each body system, include diagnostic tests used for identification of the disease or disorder.
  3. Categorize appropriate prep solutions and prepping techniques for a variety of surgical procedures.
  4. Differentiate how tissues react and are restored to normal function following trauma.
  5. Review the preparation of hemostatic agents and devices.
  6. Apply appropriate procedure for the care and handling of drugs and solutions.
  7. Summarize how to safely mix and measure drugs for patient use.
  8. Differentiate instrumentation, equipment and supplies needed for surgical specialties.
  9. Summarize procedures for calculating blood loss.
  10. Summarize the use of robotics in surgery.
  11. Prioritize the appropriate sponges, dressing and packing for a variety of surgical procedures.
  12. Determine appropriate catheters, drains and tubes for a variety of surgical procedures.
  13. Incorporate principles and practices of surgical technology to address case management.
Degrees that use this course

Degrees that use this course

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Moorhead Campus