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PNSG1528 - Clinical II Practical Nursing



4 (0/4/0)


This course provides the student an opportunity to apply nursing judgment using evidence-based care, critical thinking and clinical judgment to implement safe, patient-centered and relationship-centered care to individual patients across the lifespan. The clinical student reflects on the value of patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, informatics, quality improvement, safety, managing care of the individual patient, nursing judgment and evidence-based care.
  • BIOL2260
  • BIOL2261
  • Current American Heart Association Basic Life Support
  • Current, clear Minnesota Department of Health criminal background check
  • Current, clear national background check
  • Experience as a nursing assistant as guided by the PN application packet
  • PNSG1509
  • PNSG1512
  • PNSG1514
  • PSYC2222
  • Up-to-date immunizations and health form


  1. Evaluate personal communication skills and cultural sensitivity when working with diverse patients across the lifespan.
  2. Compare individualized established plans of care for patients across the lifespan.
  3. Provide health care information to the patient that is considerate of culture, experience and knowledge of his/her own health.
  4. Explain the nurse's role in maintaining the patient care record.
  5. Utilize technology to access reliable information and resources that support patient care, reduce reliance on memory and enhance competency within the practice setting.
  6. Provide evidence for prioritization of nursing judgments to individuals across the lifespan.
  7. Demonstrate nursing judgment by selecting and prioritizing interventions, monitoring the patient's response and reporting changes.
  8. Demonstrate personal integrity, professional behaviors and professional boundaries.
  9. Demonstrate safe nursing practice while following the National Patient Safety Goals.
  10. Recognize conflict, when and to whom it should be reported, and the most appropriate method of communication.
  11. Assign nursing tasks and activities to other licensed practical nurses and/or unlicensed assistive personnel to achieve patient care goals.
  12. Provide patient care to multiple patients within the scope of the practical nurse.
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