
HUM1101 - Introduction to the Humanities



3 (3/0/0)


Meets MnTC Goal Areas 2 and 6. This course serves as a general introduction to the role that humanities such as the arts, literature and philosophy play in shaping humanity's conception of itself and society. This course serves to expand the student's knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially the values expressed in works of human imagination and thought.


  1. Define the elements of human behavior that define a culture.
  2. Classify various cultures according to the component parts that express their most significant values.
  3. Distinguish among the human values most important to various places on our globe, particularly Western, Eastern and Native African and American communities.
  4. Synthesize elements of various world cultures into common component world values.
  5. Critique works of human expression as to their contribution to the development of thought in medieval Europe.
  6. Critique works of human expression as to their contribution to the development of thought during the Renaissance.
  7. Critique works of human expression as to their contribution to the development of thought during the premodern period with an emphasis on how the material expressions of European thought shaped contemporary Western ideas.
  8. Explore the variety of ways human expression develops in various times, cultures and places.
  9. Identify the origin of ideas and various theories as to how an idea comes into being, with special emphasis on how ideas reflect themselves in the humanities.

Goal Areas

2. Critical Thinking
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts