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CPTR2100 - Supporting End-User Applications



3 (2/1/0)


This course emphasizes the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to improve the productivity of the computer user. Students will learn about providing support for the user's computer including the operating system and the software applications installed on the computer.


  1. Compare tools used to help user support staff analyze and assess user needs.
  2. Assess user needs for computer hardware, software, and network products and services.
  3. Identify strategies for evaluating computer products.
  4. Evaluate imaging software to prepare and install end-user computers.
  5. Explain the troubleshooting process to solve end-user problems.
  6. Apply problem-solving processes to typical support problems.
  7. Describe major site preparation steps for technology installations.
  8. Prepare goals for user training activities.
  9. Compare utilities and resources used by the support specialist.
  10. Model technical writing skills and strategies.
  11. Identify strategies to minimize end-user security threats.
  12. Compare cloud-based end-user applications.
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