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THPY1123 - Integrative Massage



2 (1/1/0)


This course introduces students to a variety of specialized modalities of massage. Specialization in the massage industry increases the marketability of therapists and is strongly recommended. Students will be familiar with the basic principles of each modality presented. In addition to lectures presented by the instructor, students will be responsible for researching modalities of particular interest to them.


  1. Identify specialized modalities.
  2. Formulate a plan for continuing education.
  3. Recognize a modality of interest.
  4. Define basic principles of each modality presented
  5. Discuss and demonstrate the fundamental concepts of reflexology.
  6. Discuss the fundamental concepts of manual lymphatic drainage.
  7. Discuss the fundamental concepts of reiki.
  8. Discuss the fundamental concepts of infant massage.
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