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DNHY2226 - Community Dental Hygiene



4 (3/1/0)


The lecture portion of this course introduces the student to the disciplines and basic principles of dental public health, epidemiological methods and biostatistical measurement and analysis. The lab portion of this course enables the student to plan, implement and evaluate a community dental hygiene research project and participate in a community dental service project and screening.


  1. Differentiate between health, public health and dental public heath.
  2. Discuss careers in public health for the dental hygienist.
  3. Explain the importance of assessment in the community.
  4. Discuss measures used to assess progress in oral health.
  5. Describe the oral health status in the United States and current trends.
  6. Identify oral health programs in the community.
  7. Understand the basics of the research process in public health.
  8. Apply health promotion and health communication theories to promotion of oral health.
  9. Discuss social responsibility and professional ethics.
  10. Describe key demographic, social, and cultural shifts and trends influencing oral health among culturally diverse groups in the United States.
  11. Assess, plan, implement and evaluate a community dental hygiene service project in teams.
  12. Present completed community dental hygiene service project using visual aids.
  13. Complete 5 Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) surveys on patients of record.
Degrees that use this course

Degrees that use this course

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Moorhead Campus