LSR1120 - Image Production I
4 (3/1/0)
This course is designed to introduce the student to image acquisition techniques. A comprehensive review of technical factors and their impact on image quality will be covered, along with technique charts and their components. Students also will be introduced to x-ray production processes, the fundamental properties of x-rays and the basic components of imaging equipment.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each technical factor used in image acquisition.
- Discuss the role of technical factors in x-ray production and image acquisition.
- Explain the impact each technical factor has on x-ray production and image quality.
- Demonstrate how technical factors can be manipulated and interchanged to produce x-rays and a quality image.
- Use mathematical equations related to image acquisition and x-ray production processes.
- Outline the steps of x-ray production.
- Diagram the components of a diagnostic x-ray tube.
- Explain the characteristics of each component of an x-ray tube.
- Describe the fundamental properties of x-rays.
- Discuss the importance of technique charts.
- Exhibit an understanding of each component of a technique chart.
- Differentiate the components of various technique charts.
- Construct a technique chart.
- Identify the basic components of imaging equipment.
- Operate the basic components of imaging equipment.
- Create images in the lab using image acquisition techniques.
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Degrees that use this course
Detroit Lakes Campus