
ECE2103 - Introduction to Special Education



3 (3/0/0)


Students will examine strategies that support inclusive programs for children and families along with legal and ethical requirements, eligibility and qualification for services, including but not limited to American Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, typical and atypical development. Strategies to adapt curriculum to meet the needs of children with developmental differences and cultivate partnerships with families will also be explored.


  1. Examine and evaluate teacher strategies and learning opportunities that utilize and promote a child's strengths as a basis for growth, learning, and intellectual, social, and personal development and children's errors as opportunities for learning. (SEP 2.D)
  2. Examine and discuss areas of exceptionality in learning including disabilities, perceptual difficulties, and special physical or mental challenges, gifts and talents. (SEP 3.B)
  3. Describe why all children can and should learn at the highest possible levels, and research and explain teacher strategies that promote persistence in helping all children achieve success. (SEP 3.I)
  4. Identify when and how to access appropriate services or resources to meet exceptional learning needs. Locate such services and resources in local communities. (SEP 3.N)
  5. Examine and describe children's rights and teacher responsibilities to equal, appropriate education for students with disabilities, confidentiality, privacy, appropriate treatment of children, and reporting situations of known or suspected abuse or neglect. (SEP 10.C)
  6. Examine and describe the concept of addressing the needs of the whole child/learner. (SEP 10.D)
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