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CEP Information for High School Counselors



To be eligible for the Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP), students must have the following minimum grade point averages:

Juniors 3.2 GPA

Seniors 2.8 GPA

Math 1114 students will need to meet the qualifying GPA and a have a C or above on their high school algebra courses. If a student has completed high school Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus within the past two years with a grade of C or higher, student can be placed above MATH 1114, up to and including MATH 1134.

A high school may determine a letter of support is needed from a high school math teacher, along with the GPA, as a requirement. This decision is made locally at the high school level.

If a student does not meet the program requirements, but the school supports the student in taking college-level classes, a CEP Eligibility Appeal Form can be submitted for review and consideration.


College Readiness Self Assessment

Students can use this free online self-assessment tool to learn about college expectations and reflect on their college readiness. Students will be emailed a certificate of completion to sign and high schools can choose to require students to print or forward their certificate to verify participation in the self-reflection module.

M State K12 Program Agreement of Understanding

Both the student and parent/guardian will read and sign the form and return it to the high school. This measure requires the student and parent/guardian to understand college expectations and take responsibility for effort and engagement in the college course.

Student application

Students enrolling in a dual credit course with M State for the first time must complete an application. The same application is used for M State's CEP and eCampus in the High School programs.

Only new concurrent enrollment students need to apply. If a student has already been accepted to the program and taken concurrent courses, they do not need to reapply.

Application process

  1. Student fills out and submits the CEP/eCHS Student Application
  2. Students' high school transcripts are scanned or faxed to M State
  3. The high school will receive a spreadsheet back in approximately one week with student IDs 

For questions, contact Erin Warren at 218.736.1569 or

Registration process

  1. Students complete the application process (listed above).
  2. The high school's point of contact/counselor confirms CEP courses for the upcoming term and registration forms are sent via email (refer to the CEP Process Timeline for dates).
  3. The high school's point of contact/counselor lists eligible students on the registration request form (must use M State's forms) and submits it to the college's associate registrar.
  4. The associate registrar verifies student eligibility and officially registers students.
  5. The high school's point of contact/counselor is mailed official class lists to review for accuracy and must contact the associate registrar with any changes. If a student is not on the official class list after the drop/add deadline, they will not receive credit for the course. Concurrent instructors should also check class lists for accuracy via D2L Brightspace.

Note: Class sizes cannot exceed the course cap due to faculty contractual rules that the college must follow. If the number of students is too large to fit in one class, another section will be added.

Counselor forms and resources

Academic progress

The college evaluates student satisfactory academic progress after each term. If a student has not met either the college's GPA or completion percentage standard, the student will be placed on warning status for one evaluation period.

GPA Minimum Requirements:

  • 0-5 credits - 0.00
  • 6-23 credits - 1.75
  • 24 or more credits - 2.00

Minimum Required Completion:

  • 0-5 credits - 0 percent
  • 6-23 credits - 58 percent
  • 24 or more credits - 66.6 percent

Students on warning status are eligible to continue taking concurrent courses. If at the end of the warning period the student meets both the cumulative GPA and completion percentage, the warning status is ended and the student is returned to good standing. If at the end of the warning period a student has not met the requirements, the student shall be suspended and not able to register for one semester unless he or she appeals the suspension. Students on probation will need to achieve a minimum term GPA of 2.15 and a 75% completion rate to continue on probation status. More information can be found in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy. Please note that a student's academic standing at M State is in effect at all colleges and universities in the Minnesota State system.

Transcript requests

Request transcripts to a college or university within the Minnesota State system

If applying to another institution within the Minnesota State system, students do NOT need to request a transcript online because the college or university will have access to their Minnesota State eTranscript.

Request transcripts to a college or university not in the Minnesota State system

Go to Forms and click on "Transcript Request" under the "Graduation and Transfer" heading. Requests will be processed within 72 hours.

Counselor responsibilities

Every district must assign a point of contact for their school, which can be a counselor, instructor or administrator. The designated contact is vital to the program's success and serves as the key connection between the high school students, high school instructors and M State.

The high school key contact will:

  • Assist students in registration, testing, appeals, etc.
  • Follow M State's concurrent enrollment process timeline, which can be found at CEP Timeline
  • Confirm courses every term
  • Submit appeals
  • Submit waiver requests for 9th and 10th grade students and 50 percent course enrollment
  • Review class list(s) for accuracy and communicate any student drop, add and withdrawals
  • Distribute class lists to instructors for final grade entry and follow up to ensure class lists are submitted to M State's registrar by the deadline
  • Share information and program updates with CEP instructors
  • Communicate and respond in a timely manner
  • Be educated on FERPA laws and collect and store Release of Information Forms
  • Coordinate visits with CEP staff for concurrent enrollment presentations to high school students, parents, instructors, counselors and administration
  • Collect and store Student Rights and Responsibilities (optional)

Please refer to the M State CEP Handbook for more details on forms and processes.