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Prohibition of Concealed Weapons Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
College Organization and Administrative
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
March 1, 2005


The College is committed to providing a safe working environment for its employees, students, and visitors. The College adopts in full Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.21 Possession or Carry of Firearms. In addition to concealed firearms, employees, students and visitors are prohibited from carrying any concealed dangerous weapons (defined in policy 1090-1-01) on college property, exclusive of parking lots. Employees are prohibited from carrying concealed weapons while acting in the course and scope of employment. Violators will be subject to sanctions: employment-related civil sanctions for employees and academic sanctions for students.


To provide a safe environment for people on the campuses.


Campus Designee

Ensure implementation and compliance with this policy. Ensure that people are knowledgeable of this policy. Impose sanctions on violators, in accordance with policy (employment-related civil sanctions for employees and academic sanctions for students).

Employees and Students

Report any violations of this policy to appropriate college administrator.


Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003, Minnesota Statutes section 624.714

Related Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Workplace Violence Policy

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.21 Possession or Carry of Firearms