
Student Complaint, Grievance and Informal Concern Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
October 24, 2013
Last content update:
May 20, 2019


To provide students with an avenue to seek remedy for a complaint or grievance. To provide students with an avenue to express an informal concern.


Appeal of a Grievance Decision

A written request for reconsideration of a grievance decision under the Student Complaint, Grievance and Informal Concern policy.


A written claim made by a student using the college’s Student Complaint, Grievance, and Informal Concern Form, alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary treatment or action taken by a college employee or student.

Business Day

Business days do not include Saturday, Sunday, other days when the college is closed, and official breaks between semesters and summer session(s).


If a student determines a complaint is not satisfactorily resolved and the complaint alleges improper, unfair or arbitrary action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a college or system policy or procedure, a student may file what is considered a grievance.

Informal Concern

An informal concern is a written submission of an informal concern or issue from a student. When students submit informal concerns, the college may or may not take formal action or report back to the student submitting the informal concern.


An individual who is enrolled at the college.


In accordance with Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances, a student has the right to seek remedy for a dispute or disagreement or share informal concerns through the College’s Student Complaint, Grievance and Informal Concern Policy and Procedures. This policy and related procedures shall not:

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances

Minnesota State system Procedure 3.8.1. Student Complaints and Grievances

Policy author(s):
Shawn Anderson
Jennifer Jacobson
Angela Mathers


DateDescription of Change

Policy content revisions.