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Student Directory Data Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
February 7, 2018
Last content update:
May 4, 2023


To comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.


Directory Data
A limited set of personal information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released.

Limited Directory Data
Specific data elements as defined in this policy that may be released with limitations.


Minnesota State Community and Technical College designates the following information as directory data:

  1. Student name
  2. Major field of study
  3. Honors, awards and scholarships
  4. Most recent educational agency or institute attended
  5. Dates of attendance
  6. Weight and height (used for student athletes only)
  7. Dates of graduation, certification and awards

Because directory data is considered public, the College will release such information to anyone upon request except for the directory data of students who have requested suppression. Students who wish to suppress their directory data may do so by using the Release of Information form available on the college’s website and selecting the DO NOT RELEASE option, which will remain in effect until a change is requested in writing.

Restricting your name will result in:

  • Name not being listed in commencement publications
  • Denial of all student directory information being released to third parties
  • M State will not verify enrollment or attendance

Students who wish to override a suppression request for a specific party or purpose may do so by providing a written authorization to the Registrar’s Office with the specific details of the override.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College designates the following information as limited directory data:

  1. Permanent address
  2. Telephone number
  3. Students’ personal and/work email address (if supplied by student)
  4. College email address
  5. Star ID
  6. On-campus address (Fergus Falls residential students only per MN State Statute 135A.17)

This information will be released with limitations:

  • At the discretion of the College, student contact information, including College and/or personal email addresses and StarID, may be made available to third party vendors that provide contracted services for the College.
  • Students’ College email addresses and StarID are approved for inclusion in the Office 365 Global Address List.
  • Second-year students’ mailing addresses and institutional email addresses will be disclosed to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system universities for recruitment or marketing communications related to degree transfer.
  • Former and current students’ phone numbers, addresses and College and/or personal email addresses (if supplied by the student) may be disclosed to the M State Foundations (Fergus Area College Foundation and M State Foundation) for events, fundraising, scholarship and membership opportunities.
  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy, the following information is defined as Limited Directory Data for purposes of sharing with LeadMN so the association can communicate with their members: student name, email address, and Student Change Code (NEW/RTN/DROP)
  • In accordance with the Solomon Amendment, a federal law allowing military recruiters to access some address, biographical and academic program information on students age 17 and older, the College will provide the following student information upon request, unless the student has elected to suppress their information: student name, address, telephone number, date of birth, class level, home campus and academic major.
  • On-campus addresses (Fergus Falls on-campus residents) may be shared with election officials to support students living on campus in the election voting process.

The suppression of directory data also includes a suppression of Limited Directory Data unless the student provides a written authorization to release Limited Directory Data to the Registrar’s Office.

Should a student request suppression of their directory data, the full functionality of Office 365 may not be available to them due to their removal from the Global Address List for the College.

Records of Deceased Students

Upon a student’s death, education records retain the same classification that applied prior to the student’s death and shall be handled in accordance with privacy laws applicable to data on decedents including, but not limited to, Minnesota Statute §13.10. Rights of the deceased student who is the subject of private or confidential data may be exercised by the representative of the deceased student. Nonpublic data concerning a deceased student that is created or collected after death are also accessible by the representative of the deceased student.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C; 34 CFR Part 99 Minnesota

Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13 of Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota State system Office of the General Counsel Data Privacy

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Student Directory Data Procedure


Policy author(s):
Shawn Anderson
Sharlene Allen


DateDescription of Change

Added language to include alumni contact information may be disclosed to M State foundations, information regarding records of deceased students and the Solomon Amendment.

Added LeadMN directory data for the purpose of communicating with members.

On-campus housing student addresses are considered limited directory data per MN State Statute 135A.17 and may be shared with election officials in order to support students living on campus with the election voting process.