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PSYC1203 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Therapeutic Behavioral Health



4 (4/0/0)


This course will provide students with an introduction to the etiology, assessment and treatment of common behavioral and emotional health disorders in children and adolescents. The framework of developmental psychopathology will be used to examine how childhood psychopathology arises in different contexts and developmental transitions within the self, family, school, community and culture. Students will achieve entry-level competencies in providing therapeutic and rehabilitative care for children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional disturbances. In addition, this course will provide students with the knowledge and resources to enter practice as a mental health worker (e.g., mental health behavioral aide).


  1. Review theory and research in the field of developmental psychopathology.
  2. Review theory and research related to risk, vulnerability, protection and resilience to child and adolescent psychopathology.
  3. Review the etiology, assessment and diagnostic criteria for common emotional and behavioral health disorders in children and adolescents.
  4. Describe basic therapeutic interventions (including pharmacotherapy) and communication techniques for managing emotional and behavioral health disorders in children and adolescents.
  5. Describe basic data practices and privacy issues as they relate to children with emotional and behavioral health disorders.
  6. Identify personal biases related to children with emotional and behavioral health disorders and their families.
  7. Demonstrate increased self-awareness in working with children with emotional and behavioral health disorders.
  8. Demonstrate knowledge of suicidal ideation and prevention in children with emotional and behavioral health disorders.
  9. Identify and define causes of behavior.
  10. Demonstrate knowledge of skill-building in peer-to-peer and parent-child interactions.
  11. Review techniques for performing as a practice partner or role-play partner.
  12. Review strategies for redirecting and de-escalating at-risk behavior.

Goal Areas

5. History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
9. Ethical and Civic Responsibility
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