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Academic and Student Services Appeals Procedure

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
August 26, 2021
Last content update:
August 26, 2021


This procedure details the review process for both Level One and Level Two Academic and Student Services Appeals.


Academic Year

The period of time that makes up one school year, beginning in August and ending in May.

Level One Appeal

The first appeal submitted by a student. 

Level Two Appeal

A subsequent appeal submitted by a student who has additional documentation and/or information not submitted with the Level One appeal that could alter the result of the Level One appeal.

Extenuating Circumstances

Events that are sudden, significantly disruptive and beyond a student’s control. Extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:

  • Bereavement for a child, sibling, spouse or partner
  • Shorter-term medical conditions
  • Serious personal injury, medical condition or mental health crises


Official documentation that supports the appeal, including but not limited to letters from medical treatment providers/facilities or death certificates/announcements/obituaries.


  1. Student completes and submits the online Academic and Student Services Appeal - Level One form found at and supplies required documentation. Documentation can be attached to the electronic appeal form or dropped off at Student Services on any M State campus.
  2. The appeal with supporting documentation is routed to the College designee for review and a decision.  
  3. If additional information is needed from the student, the College designee will reach out to the student via telephone and/or email to explain what is being requested.
  4. The College designee will communicate the appeal decision to the student via the email address and/or the physical address supplied on the appeal form.
  5. If the student wants a Level One Student Appeal decision reconsidered on the basis of additional documentation, a Level Two Academic and Student Services Appeal can be submitted.
  6. If the decision in a Level One or Level Two Academic and Student Services Appeal necessitates changes to the student’s record, the appropriate offices will be notified of the decision in order to facilitate changes/updates (examples: Registrar, Financial Aid, Business Services).
  7. The finalized appeal will be forwarded to processing for addition to the student’s academic file. 
  8. A Level Two appeal decision is considered final.



Submission of appeal form and supporting documentation

College designee

Review of appeal and supporting documentation; review of relevant policies and/or procedures; appeal decision and communication of appeal decision to student and appropriate College department(s)

College processing

Addition of the completed appeal file to the appropriate academic file.

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical Collage Academic and Student Services Appeal Policy

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Grade Appeal Policy

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Add/Drop/Withdraw Policy

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Refunds for Dropped Courses and Withdrawals Policy

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Medical Withdraw Procedure

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Pregnancy, Childbirth or Breastfeeding Procedure

Residential Life Policies (Fergus Falls campus only)

Minnesota State system Procedure 5.12.1 Military Service and Veterans with Disabilities

Minnesota State system Procedure 5.12.2 Tuition Waivers, Deferrals, and Retroactive Drops

Minnesota State system Procedure 5.12.4 Refund of Tuition and Fees


Policy author(s):
Shawn Anderson


DateDescription of Change

New procedure detailing the review process for level one and level two academic and student services appeals.