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Proctoring Services


M State's academic support team offers proctoring services for tests in online courses. Proctoring sessions are available at each campus library.


Scheduling a proctored test

  • Tests must be scheduled. Tests will not be proctored on a drop-in basis.
  • Tests will be proctored during designated testing times and must be completed within the established time limit.
  • If you are not able to make the scheduled test , contact the library as soon as possible to reschedule.

Student responsibilities

Before the test

  • Academic specialists cannot constantly observe students during test. Before scheduling a proctoring session, verify that your test does not require that you be continuously monitored.
  • You must work with instructors to ensure that the test and/or login instructions arrive at the library before the scheduled test time.
  • Software installation on library computers is not allowed. If special software is required to complete the test, you must use your own laptop.
  • Provide a proctoring agreement to the academic specialist to sign, if applicable.

At the test

At the test, you must:

  • Provide a valid photo ID
  • Know how to navigate to your online exams

Academic specialist (proctor) and library responsibilities

Before the test

The academic specialist will sign a completed proctoring agreement form if asked

At the test

  • Campus libraries testing rooms allow multiple students to test at once. During busy test times, the library may utilize study rooms.
  • The academic specialist will check the student’s identification and issue the test by providing a paper exam or logging in with a password.
  • The academic specialist will periodically observe the student as time allows and return the completed test if necessary.


  • Academic specialists may decline to proctor an exam that requires more time or attention than they can provide.
  • The academic specialist is not responsible for institution or library website, email or internet access malfunctions.
  • In the event of a drill, the student will comply with the drill and resume testing when the drill has ended.
  • The academic specialist does not keep copies of completed exams.