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Advising Case-Management Model

In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Summer 2024
End Term
End Term:
Summer 2025
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs
Core Team
Core Team:

Case-Management Advising Project Workgroup

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

This project will define an advising case-management model for the full student lifecycle to enhance student completion and successful outcomes post-graduation. Revising the advising model aims to create a more effective and inclusive advising system that ultimately supports all students in achieving their academic and career aspirations. To achieve these results, M State will:

1. Integrate Success Navigators: The recent introduction of success navigators through the Title III grant has created an opportunity to reassess and optimize the advising model. The current model lacks clarity in the roles and responsibilities of navigators, advisors, and faculty advisors. By revising the model, M State can better define these roles, ensuring that each group can effectively contribute to improving student outcomes, especially for those most at risk.

2. Adapt to Changing Student Needs: The existing advising model was designed for traditional student populations. However, with the addition of success navigators and the changing demographics of students, including part-time and marginalized groups, the model needs to be updated. A revised model will better address the diverse needs of these students, aligning support structures with their specific challenges and goals.

3. Address Progress Disparities: The data gap analysis revealed that part-time students are progressing at a lower rate compared to full-time students. This discrepancy highlights the need for a more tailored approach to advising. By revising the model, M State can implement targeted strategies and support mechanisms to help part-time students progress more effectively, ensuring they have the same opportunities for success as full-time students.

4. Enhance Student Support: A clear and revised advising model will ensure that every student has a dedicated support team, consisting of navigators, advisors, and faculty advisors, working collaboratively to help them achieve their academic goals. This dedicated support is especially important for at-risk students, who need more focused and coordinated assistance.

5. Facilitate Communication and Goal Setting: Establishing ongoing and intentional conversations among students, faculty, and staff will create a more structured pathway to educational, career, and transfer goals. A revised advising model will facilitate these conversations, ensuring that students have clear guidance and support throughout their educational journey.




  • Increased retention and academic credit completion with a focus on part-time, liberal arts, and pre-healthcare program students.


  • Proactive business process to understand every student’s needs and academic/career plans.
  • One page infographic defining clear roles and responsibilities for faculty advisors, professional advisors, and success navigators throughout the student lifecycle.
  • Transition plan from existing advising model to case management advising model. 
  • Professional development plan for staff and faculty. 
  • One page handout describing available services and responsibilities throughout the student lifecycle. 
  • Develop assessment plan to identify data collection and metrics reporting.
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope

  • Define roles of success navigator, professional advisors and faculty advisors. 
  • Focus on students’ time while they are at M State (e.g. enrolled student). 
  • Metrics and outcomes at each point in the student life cycle. 
  • Strategy focused. 
  • How (not when) advisors are assigned (both professional and faculty).

Out of Scope

  • Non-advising processes (e.g. enrollment), StarID, email generation, any system office-initiated process.


  • Collective bargaining agreements.
  • No additional staffing.
  • Not using new/additional software.
Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Acceptance - 1st Day 

  • Persistence from acceptance to day 1 

0-30 Credits 

  • Persistence from 1st semester to 2nd semester
  • Persistence from 1st semester to 2nd year

30+ Credits

  • Persistence from 1st semester to 3rd year 
  • Completion rate 
  • Transfer rates
Financial Impact

Financial Impact

  • Financial impact will be realized in fall 2025 because of the expiration of the Title III Grant. 
  • Increased enrollment and retention will have a positive financial impact.
  • Costs of training (initial and ongoing).