
Professional Licensure Disclosures


M State offers some programs that are designed to prepare students to apply for licensure examinations and/or certification necessary for employment in the state of Minnesota and/or North Dakota. Professional licensing standards can vary widely from state to state, so completion of these programs may not meet the licensure or certification requirements in other states.

If a student is planning to seek employment in another state, it is important to know the specific licensure or certification requirements of that state before enrolling in a program. Students should contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state in which they plan to seek employment to determine requirements and ensure program compatibility.

The U.S. Department of Education Code of Federal Regulations CFR §668.43 requires colleges and universities to communicate publicly and directly to prospective and current students if programs leading to a license or certification meet other state's requirements. Click on the program tiles below for the public disclosures indicating if the program meets licensure requirements, does not meet licensure requirements or has not yet been determined for each state. Questions? Email us at ir@minnesota.edu.

Please note, licensure determinations reflect accurate information about each program to the best of our knowledge, however the decision to grant a license or certification is ultimately the purview of the state. Only state licensing agencies or boards can determine whether an academic program meets or partially meets educational requirements for licensure. M State cannot guarantee an individual’s attainment of any professional licensure or certification, in any field, in any jurisdiction.