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Corporate Sponsorship Program

Start Term
Start Term:
Spring 2024
End Term
End Term:
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Vice President of Strategic Engagement
Core Team
Core Team:

Vice President of Strategic Engagement, Dean of Integrated Communication, Director of Advancement and Development, Associate Director of Advancement and Development

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Financial Sustainability
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

To create a means to establish sustainable revenue for M State through corporate sponsorship while providing real value to industry partners. Building long-term sustainable relationships with key industry sponsors that increase student enrollment/retention (market share) and connectivity with regional industries.



  • Assess value of individual deliverables
    • Caucus with asset owners to determine suitability.
    • Evaluate value of each asset
    • Clear any barriers for inclusion.
  • Group them to create three distinct packages/levels at scaled price points.
  • Create appropriate presentation collateral that outlines program for distribution (program description/benefits). 
  • Distribute program information through 1:1 and campaign interaction.
  • Establish a means to evaluate success: initial receptiveness/renewals.
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope

Development of plan, create program description (flyer) for distribution.

Out of Scope

Developing industry targets for the program, additional staff, “contract” with engagement acquirers.

Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Project Goal

To motivate industry partners to invest in MSCTC and reap ROI from the engagement.

Key Performance Indicators/Metrics
  • Number of company partnerships
  • Rate of renewal
Metric Review Schedule

The program runs on an annual cycle, so evaluation, adjustment/review will be visited annually.

Reporting Results
  • Annual program report
  • Number of partners
  • Number of renewals


Limited ability to tie in career events.

Financial Impact

Financial Impact

When established, this program should generate in excess of $85,000 to $125,000 annually, once a critical mass is reached. More importantly it will generate additional investment interaction with sponsors that should lead to larger program support with direct program support and in-kind donations.