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Day 1 Ready Program

In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Fall 2023
End Term
End Term:
Spring 2024
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Director of Student Experience
Core Team
Core Team:

Director of Student Experience, Academic Advisors, IT, Financial Aid, Success Navigators

Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Equity and Inclusion
Financial Sustainability
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Project Purpose

Project Purpose

To enhance new student onboarding and increase college readiness with hands-on cross-departmental experiences (e.g. IT, Financial Aid, Advising).



  • Hold in-person and virtual workshops with hands-on experience that result in clearer understanding of:
    • The tools used to submit financial aid documents and enroll in payment plans.
    • How to access student email and online systems, such as eServices, D2L and SpartanNet.
  • Provide opportunities to welcome, connect and foster a sense of belonging amongst students and staff.
Project Scope

Project Scope

In Scope
  • Assemble a small workgroup to develop, plan, implement and facilitate workshops with topics and schedule for events.
  • Collaborate with IT, Financial Aid and Advising to coordinate dates and times for workshops to run.
  • Deployment of workshops offered both in-person and virtually.
  • Outreach and market workshops to all new entering and transfer students.
Out of Scope
  • School of model vs. campus-based model limited due to enrollment numbers.
  • Faculty off contract during timing of events.
  • Activities in the classroom (e.g. D2L course set-up differences, syllabi, FN and withdraw policy, DFNP, etc.).
Effectiveness Measures

Effectiveness Measures

Project Goals
  • As a result of the workshop, student will feel better prepared for their first day of class and feel a sense of belonging to the college.
  • Increase student success through early access to supports and related information.
  • Increase persistence in the semester tracked through data disaggregated by BIPOC, 1st gen, Pell-eligible and part-time students.
Key Performance Indicators/Metrics
  • Student demonstrates how to log into SpartanNet, email, D2L and eServices.
  • Student will locate their student bill, class schedule and financial aid status.
  • Student will get prepared for the first day of class by securing books, registering for parking permit, applying for accessibility resources, signing up for StarAlert, printing class schedule and touring campus (campus-based students only).
  • Decrease percentage of students receiving FN grades and/or total withdrawals compared to students not taking the workshop.
  • Decrease week three early alert progress checks compared to students not taking the workshop.
Data Collection and Review
  • Workshop pre/post-test
  • Each semester
Reporting of Results
  •  Results will be shared with stakeholders, leadership and title III grant reporting.


  • Timing of rolling out events has been limited
  • Limited availability of staffing to run events outside of normal work hours (8-4:30pm)
  • No budget
  • Limited capacity to facilitate events due to timing of the year
  • Attendance is elective
  • Student engagement during virtual events
Financial Impact

Financial Impact

Increase in student retention, creating tuition, fee and allocation revenue.