Health Careers Equity Planning
In Progress
Start Term
Start Term:
Fall 2023
End Term
End Term:
Summer 2024
Project Leads
Project Leads:
Dean for the School of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing; Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Core Team
Core Team:
Dean for the School of Health Sciences, Human Services and Nursing; Dean of Equity and Inclusion, Health Program Directors
Pillars of Success
Pillars of Success:
Student Success
Equity and Inclusion
Financial Sustainability
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans:
Annual Work Plan
Equity 2030
Project Purpose
Project Purpose
Reduce equity and opportunity/access gaps for target populations in health sciences, dental programs, and nursing programs by identifying and addressing systemic challenges and barriers to student success for students from historically marginalized groups.
- Create report containing qualitative and quantitative data to illustrate the successes and challenges of students in health programs and identifies historically marginalized groups with success gaps.
- Health Sciences, Human Services, and Nursing (HSHSN) leadership will guide the project in a data-informed approach including:
- Reviewing the selective admission policy and update if needed
- Reviewing the selective admission criteria and proposing any changes
- Reviewing the selective admission processes and proposing any changes
- Complete value stream mapping exercise with institutional effectiveness
- Develop and refine intake process cycle and recommend actions
- Develop equity professional development plans
- Create an equity plan to decrease success gaps
Project Scope
Project Scope
In Scope
- Qualitative research and analysis
- Selective admission criteria
- Onboarding processes for health programs
- Advising/exploration to determine program fit and possibly alternative career paths
Effectiveness Measures
Effectiveness Measures
Key Performance Indicators/Metrics
- Student Success at the major and prefix level disaggregated by target populations
- Completion of first term with 2.0 GPA and rate of progress of at least 2/3
- Fall to spring retention rate
- Fall to fall retention or graduation rate
- Student Access
- Overall representation of college population in health programs.
- Overall representation of students in selective admissions programs when compared to the applicant pool
- Feedback from stakeholders (i.e. faculty, staff, students, employers) will be gathered annually
Metric Review and Reporting Schedule
Data collected will be reported annually and included in PATH-MN grant reporting requirements
- Time
- Faculty and staff buy-in
- Workload capacity
- Programmatic accreditation standards
Financial Impact
Financial Impact
- Enhanced retention will positively impact tuition revenue
- Professional development will require financial investment