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Accidents Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
March 1, 2005


Under Minnesota Statue 182.663, the College is responsible for maintaining a log and summary of all recordable occupational injuries and illnesses. In addition, insurance regulations require that all accidents be reported. The College recognizes that timely reporting and investigation of accidents, whether the accident involves employees, students or visitors, is an important part of maintaining a safe campus.


It is the policy at Minnesota State Community and Technical College that all accidents, injuries and near misses be reported immediately at the respective campus at which it occurred.

Any accident involving a student or visitor should be reported to the nearest College employee, who should report to the designated safety coordinator on campus. Any of the College’s employees in an accident or near miss will immediately report the incident to their supervisor and to the designated safety coordinator on campus.

The designated safety coordinator on campus will log and investigate all accidents. Employees injured in the course of performing his/her job will complete a First Report of Injury Form. Supervisors or the safety coordinator will complete an accident investigation report.

The College does not assume responsibility for any illness or injury to students or visitors. The individual student or visitor is responsible for making financial arrangements for costs that are incurred at any healthcare facility.


Campus Designee

  • Ensure notice of and compliance with the policy.

Campus Employees

  • Report all accidents or near misses immediately to supervisor or campus safety coordinator.
  • Fill out First Report of Injury, if applicable.
  • Participate in any accident investigation, if applicable.
  • Report to campus safety coordinator any accident to a student or visitor.
  • Follow campus emergency procedures.

Campus Safety Coordinator

  • Log all accidents.
  • Guide investigations of accidents.
  • Request appropriate documentation from all employees involved in accidents.
  • Prepare summaries of accident investigations for review by the Safety Committee.
  • Recommend corrective actions, if necessary.
  • For students and visitors, log and investigate all reported accidents.

Students and Visitors

  • Immediately report all accidents to the nearest College employee.


Minnesota Statue 182.663