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Course Syllabi and Course Outlines Policy

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Effective date:
October 11, 2012
Last content update:
October 11, 2012

Minnesota State Community and Technical College uses course outlines and course syllabi to provide important course-specific information. The College follows Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.22 and Procedure 3.22.1 Course Syllabi and Course Outlines.


The purpose of this policy is to define and govern dissemination of course syllabi and course outlines and to provide students and other constituents with course specific information.

Course Outlines

College faculty create course outlines for all courses offered at the College. The course outline is the official document the College has approved to communicate course information. Course outlines must include the course prefix and title, course number, course description, credit amount and type and course competencies. Course outlines are submitted through the Curriculum Review and Approval Process (CARP) of the Academic Affairs and Standards Council (AASC). Course outlines shall serve as the official system document used to determine transfer equivalencies for student course transfer. The College shall post all course outlines at

Course Syllabi

College faculty create course syllabi for all courses offered at the College. The course syllabus contains the elements of the corresponding course outline as noted above, standards for grading student work, and additional information which reflects the creative work of the faculty member. The course syllabus is an agreement with the student that provides information about the instructor’s expectations in a course.

Student Access to Course Syllabi

Faculty members shall provide students with a course syllabus within the first week of a course. When courses are offered in a condensed format, the time frame for the distribution of the syllabus shall be adjusted accordingly.

Administrative Access to Course Syllabi

A College faculty member shall, upon request, provide a copy of the current course syllabus to the requesting College administrator or designee.

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.22 Course Syllabi and Course Outlines

Minnesota State system Procedure 3.22.1 Course Syllabi and Course Outlines