Credit for Prior Learning Policy
The purpose of Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is to provide students with an opportunity to earn college credit based on previous relevant professional experience and education, such as military training and education, workplace training, industry certification, professional licensure and related work experience. For experiences to be considered for CPL, they must demonstrate college-level proficiency for the student’s program of study and align with program objectives and/or course outcomes.
An industry-recognized credential obtained through the successful completion of a certification exam based on specific industry-valued competencies.
Challenge Exam (Test-Out)
Credit awarded through an examination developed by college or university faculty, commonly for, but not limited to, course-specific learning equivalency.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
Academic credit awarded for demonstrated competence at the college or university level gained through learning experiences outside college or university credit-bearing courses and assessed by academically sound and rigorous methods and processes.
Workplace Training/Experience
Academic credit awarded for work-based education and training, including structured and supervised on-the-job training and apprenticeships or other forms of third-party validated college-level learning, such as the American Council on Education (ACE), National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), National Occupational Career Testing Institute (NOCTI) and others.
Military Education and Training
Learning gained through military training and experience based on a service member’s military occupational specialty (MOS) education and training, professional military education (PME) and duty-specific training as documented on the Joint Services Transcript (JST) and by other official Department of Defense agencies.
Legal and validated professional status granted by a government entity through professional experience and/or individual practice and successful passage of an examination.
Portfolio Assessment
An assessment of a collection of relevant work and professional training and non-collegiate educational materials compiled to demonstrate previous college-level learning that takes place outside the classroom and helps students integrate their learning across a variety of personal, professional and academic areas.
Standardized Exams
National and/or international examinations to validate and provide reliable standards in demonstrating competency, such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) and Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) of the Defense Language Institute (DLI).
American Council on Education (ACE)
A coordinating body for the nation’s higher education institutions. ACE provides recommendations for granting credit for college-level learning obtained in non-college settings.
College-Level Learning
Learning that meets college-level standards and results in credits that can be applied to the requirements of a certificate, diploma or degree.
Credit by Examination
A method of prior learning assessment that includes standardized examinations, such as Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST).
Prior Learning Assessment
The process of faculty evaluation of student learning obtained through sources other than college-level coursework.
National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS)
A part of the New State Board of Regents, which evaluates training and education programs offered outside of the traditional college classroom setting and recommends college credit equivalencies for that training/education.
Credit for Prior Learning Eligibility
To be eligible to receive CPL at Minnesota State Community and Technical College, students must:
- Meet all admission requirements for their program of study and be enrolled in a program to which the credits will directly apply.
- Request a prior learning assessment consistent with institutional procedure.
- Be registered at the College for at least one credit-bearing course.
- Request CPL for a course listed in the College’s current course catalog.
- Have satisfied the prerequisites and other enrollment requirements for the course for which CPL is requested.
- Be in good academic and financial standing per the College’s Registrar and Business Services offices.
- Have paid any related CPL fees and tuition.
- Not currently enrolled in the course past the drop/add period, not have requested CPL for the same course previously, or previously attempted or failed the course. *However, an individual may enroll in the course in a future term for credit if the CPL assessment is denied (NC - No Credit).
CPL Methods
The College may award CPL as designated by Minnesota law and Minnesota State system policies and regulations (e.g. Minnesota State system Procedure 3.35.1 Credit for Prior Learning) for the following prior learning methods:
- Industry certification and licensures
- Registered and agency-related apprenticeships
- Military education and training
- Standardized examinations
- Departmental Challenge exams
- Portfolio assessment
- Non-collegiate third-party evaluations
- Workplace education and training
To receive CPL credit, a student must submit official transcripts and documentation to the Registrar’s Office or appropriate college office. The College may award CPL credit when the documentation of prior learning meets or exceeds a demonstration of learning outcomes and/or skills of the corresponding curriculum program/courses upon review and approval of assigned subject-matter faculty.
Office of Academic Innovation
- Publish opportunities for CPL and assessments, establish CPL processes and procedures, provide CPL guidance and coordinate CPL-related activities for professional development.
- Follow Minnesota State system policies and procedures related to the availability and awarding of internal and external assessments. Colleges and universities shall recognize and award credit for military courses and military occupations that receive American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. The applicability of ACE recommendations to degree and credential requirements, including course equivalencies, must be determined by local CPL processes. Minnesota Statute §197.775 Higher Education Fairness requires the colleges and universities of Minnesota State to recognize military courses and award credit when they were part of a student’s military training or service.
- Consult with academic advisors, a CPL director, school dean, program coordinator and/or faculty to learn more about the process prior to applying for CPL.
- Be realistic about the knowledge and skills obtained through work experience and training in relation to college-level learning.
- Complete and submit all required forms and steps in a timely manner necessary for review and evaluation.
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
- Follow Minnesota State system and College policies, procedures and operating instructions related to the awarding and transcription of internal and external assessments.
- Allow for a process to appeal CPL decisions.
- Provide activities for professional development on CPL-related topics.
Minnesota Statute §197.775 Higher Education Fairness
Minnesota Statute §120B.13 Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs
Minnesota Statute §120B.131 College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Associated Policies and Procedures
Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.35 Credit for Prior Learning
Minnesota State system Procedure 3.35.1 Credit for Prior Learning – External Assessments
Minnesota State system Procedure 3.35.3 Military Courses and Military Occupations
Date | Description of Change |
Eligibility, methods and responsibilities updated to make the policy more comprehensive and aligned with Minnesota statutes and Minnesota State system policy. |
Upldated policy to add definitions. |