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Equipment Title Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
March 1, 2005


To ensure that the College is in compliance with State of Minnesota Title Statute 168A, upon purchase or receipt by donation of any equipment that is required to be titled, for use by the College.


Minnesota State Community and Technical College shall ensure receipt of title for any equipment required to be titled that is purchased or received in donation for use by the College. Upon receipt of title, the business office will transfer the title into the Minnesota State system Board of Trustees ownership, with the title address representing that of the acquiring campus. The business office will also title/register any untitled/unregistered equipment requiring a title/registration as outlined in State of Minnesota Statute 168A.


Faculty and Staff

Be knowledgeable and adhere to this policy. Ensure all titles and registrations are submitted to business office immediately upon receipt.

Business Office Personnel

Ensure policy is effectively communicated to faculty and staff. Ensure that this policy is implemented and followed.

Central Accounts Payable (CAP)

Adhere to policy and procedure requirements as they pertain to their department.

Supporting References

Minnesota Statutes 2007; 168A Vehicle Titles

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Gift and Grant Acceptance Reporting Form

Fixed Asset Policy 7300-01-01

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 7.3 Financial Administration

Minnesota State system Board Policy 7.3.6 Capital Assets