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Laboratory Safety Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
March 1, 2005


The purpose of this policy is to protect faculty, staff and students from health and safety hazards specifically associated with the laboratory use of chemical and biological agents by complying with the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910. 1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.


It is the policy of Minnesota State Community and Technical College to implement and enforce procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment, training and work practices that are capable of protecting employees and students from health hazards associated with hazardous chemical, physical and biological agents used in laboratories. Procedures will be kept in a Chemical Hygiene Plan. A Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) will be appointed to oversee the Chemical Hygiene Plan.


Campus Officer

  • Ensures policy is implemented and responsibilities are delegated.

Chemical Hygiene Officer

  • Ensures that a chemical hygiene plan and standard operating procedures are implemented.
  • Ensure that staff receives training on the chemical hygiene plan.
  • Ensures the safe receipt, storage and use of chemical and biological agents.
  • Initiates medical follow-up in the case of employee overexposure to chemical or biological agents.

Faculty teaching, or staff working, in a laboratory setting

  • Understand and follow the established operating procedures and rules established in the chemical hygiene plan.
  • Attend training.
  • Notify the chemical hygiene officer or other responsible party of accidents, incidents, equipment failures, possible over exposures, spills or any other health and safety-related issues in the laboratory.

Facility Services Supervisor/Building Maintenance Foreman or designee

  • Ensure that equipment and ventilation systems are kept in good working order and repaired, if needed, in a timely manner.


29 CFR 1910. 1450, Occupational Exposure to Chemical Hazards in Laboratories