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Library Collection Development Policy

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Effective date:
May 20, 2020
Last content update:
May 20, 2020


The purpose of the Minnesota State Community and Technical College library collection is to support and enhance the curriculum and programming at the College. The libraries are committed to advancing diversity and inclusion by providing materials, services and information that is reflective of the College community of students, faculty and staff that we serve.

The Minnesota State Community and Technical College Library affirms the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries and Freedom to Read Statement.


Resource Sharing

With consideration for the varied needs of the College community, the library collection will address a broad range of subject areas in a variety of formats. For those members of the college community whose scholarly or research needs are beyond the scope of the College library, library staff will help to identify, locate and borrow such materials through Inter-Library Loan via the Tri-College University partnership, MNLINK (a Minitex service) and local public libraries.

Responsibility for Selection

The College librarian and library technicians are responsible for collection development and management. Anyone within the user community is encouraged to recommend the purchase of library materials. After reviewing the relevancy to the collection, budgetary concerns and the general criteria for selection, the library will make all final decisions on purchases.

Criteria for Selection

• Relevance to curriculum based on needs of students
• Relevance to the instructional needs of the faculty
• Relevance to existing and new College programs
• Accuracy and authoritativeness
• Timeliness of information
• Awards and professional reviews
• Value/cost/quality

Collection Maintenance: Deselection

The deselection of materials from the library’s collection is a normal and necessary function of responsible librarianship. Items may be discarded due to poor physical condition, outdated information, lack of shelf space and lack of use (as demonstrated by the item’s circulation history). When appropriate, faculty will be consulted and are encouraged to provide input at any time regarding their subject area. Ongoing deselection is the responsibility of the faculty librarian (college librarian).

Special note: Accredited programs will have their library-related collections reviewed on a yearly basis by library staff to ensure there is nothing older than five years and they are meeting accreditation standards.

Criteria for Deselection

• Materials containing outdated or inaccurate information
• Materials that have little/no circulation
• Superseded editions
• Duplicate copies of low-circulating materials
• Worn out or damaged materials
• Relevance to curriculum-based needs of students
• Relevance to College programs
• Accuracy and authoritativeness

Challenged Materials Procedure

If users have a complaint regarding library materials, they may fill out a “Request for Reconsideration” form. The College librarian, in consultation with the dean of academic support and inclusion and library technicians, will review the form and make a decision regarding the challenged material.

Items Not Supported by M State Library Collection Development


Textbooks will not be purchased using library funds. Exceptions are titles that are the only or best source of information on a particular topic. Their high cost, frequent revision and poor physical quality make them unsuitable for the library’s permanent collection.

Reserve Books

The library will not purchase books solely to be placed on reserve. The exception being items that are otherwise suitable to the College library collection and will be allowed to circulate outside of the reserve period.

Personal Books

Library funds will not be used to purchase books for the exclusive use of a single faculty member. Any books that faculty members need to keep in their offices should be purchased from their own personal or department funds.


The library welcomes gifts of materials that are consistent with the Library Collection Development Policy. The library accepts gifts only on the condition that it may appropriately donate, sell or discard those items that cannot be added to the collections.


American Library Association Library Bill of Rights

American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries

American Library Association Freedom to Read Statement

Policy author(s):
Kari Oanes


DateDescription of Change

Policy updated.