Marketing Public Relations Visual Standards Policy
Official communications with the public must be accurate and must meet all requirements of graphics standards, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and any other applicable requirements and standards. In order to ensure integrity of its communications with the public, all college advertising must be reviewed by the Communications Department.
To ensure proper usage of the Minnesota State Community and Technical College name, logo and symbol and to meet ADA requirements.
M State President
To ensure all college staff/faculty follow policy.
Campus designee
To ensure all campus staff/faculty follow policy.
Academic and campus Deans
To ensure all faculty in their division follow policy.
Faculty/Club Advisors
To ensure all student clubs or students follow policy.
Student Clubs
To follow policy.
College Communications Staff
To review all publications in a timely fashion and provide logo and college information.
Minnesota State Community and Technical College Visual Brand Guide (available in the campus libraries)