
Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment Procedure

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
April 24, 2015
Last content update:
May 24, 2021


To establish a consistent structure of due dates for tuition and fee payments, and the registration cancellation process.


Registration cancellation group

Email group listing that will be notified throughout the process. Includes all student affairs personnel, financial aid associate directors, associate registrars, Solution Center, campus resource specialists and business services staff.


Student is defined as one who enrolls in any credit or noncredit course offered by the college


Central Financial Aid


Central Accounts Receivable


Integrated Student Records System for the Minnesota State system


Colleges and universities are required to adhere to the following tuition and fee payment framework:

  • The financial obligation date begins when the student registers for courses
  • Start of the term is the first day classes are held
  • Colleges and universities shall run the Registration Cancellation process for unpaid credit registrations on the sixth business day of the term
  • Full payment is due twenty-five business days after the start of the term unless the student has obtained an approved tuition and fee payment plan
  • Students subject to Registration Cancellation will not be able to charge books, supplies and tools through the college bookstore

Using the Registration Cancellation process, colleges shall cancel student registration for all credit courses unless one of the following conditions has been met:

  • The student has paid at least 15 percent of the tuition and fees due or made a $300 down payment towards tuition and fees
  • An Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been received by the college
  • The student has enrolled in an approved tuition and fee payment plan
  • The student has received an approved deferral at the college; or
  • The student has received an approved waiver at least equal to the amount of tuition and fees due
  • The student has received authorization for funding from a 3rd party agency

The College has the authority to grant exceptions to the registration cancellation process based on individual student circumstances. For example, the College may determine that a student called to active duty or is a veteran awaiting financial aid from the Department of Veterans Affairs should be exempt from the Registration Cancellation process.


1. Accounts Receivable (AR) Coordinator:

  • Run the AR2516CB Candidate report in ISRS four weeks prior to the first drop date for the term. 
  • Email notice with report to Registration Cancellation group listing that the process has started for the term. Notify the Veterans certifying office for the college to mark Veterans with an “N” on the AR2215UG screen.
  • Run the AR2516CB Candidates report daily so data is updated in ISRS and student portal messaging interface. 
  • Email additional notices and reports daily until process is completed for the term.

2. Veterans Certifying officer: Mark any Veterans with an “N” on the AR2215UG screen so their registration will not be cancelled.

3. Student portal message: Once the Candidate Report has been run it will trigger the following messages on the student portal:

  • If the student has an N flag on the report the message provided is: (term) Courses Secured - Congratulations, you have secured your (term) M State courses by satisfying our payment requirements
  • If the student has a Y flag on the report the message provided is: Payment Warning! - Your M State (term) courses may be dropped – you have not satisfied our payment requirements. Please allow one business day for this message to update if you have recently met the payment criteria.

4. MinnState Web messaging for registration cancellation: As determined by the dates set in the year term calendar web, messages are found on the students My Account page, View/Modify class schedule page, and results page from adding or dropping a class. Even when the drop flag is set to N the student will still receive a message that they have not met the requirements and are a candidate to be dropped. They must resolve the reason before the system will show them as meeting the requirements. These messages are as follows:

  • Red stop sign - Based on current information you have not met the financial requirement necessary to remain enrolled after the tuition due date.
  • Green go sign - You will remain enrolled in our courses.  If you are not planning to attend you must officially withdraw before the end of the 5th business day of the term.
  • Red stop sign after being dropped - You did not meet the financial requirement necessary to remain enrolled after the tuition due date. Your registered classes have been cancelled.

5. CAR Office: Mark students as "N" on the AR2215UG screen if they've received Third party funding for previous semesters but don't have an award on their account yet for current term. Also monitors for students who've had employee waivers in the past and marks them as "N" on the AR2215UG screen.

6. Solutions Center: Each week, send out two email blasts, one on Tuesday and the next on Thursday, coordinated with two automated call blasts. The student listing is queried from replicated data. The emails have embedded links to make payments or set up payment plans.

7. AR Coordinator: AR Coordinator will run the Candidates report process several times each day during the first week of each semester and coordinate with Campus Stores to ensure that all student account payments get entered as payments are made in ISRS.

8. Solutions Center: Make phone calls prior to the day-six drop.

9. AR Coordinator: All registrations will be subject to the drop process on day 6 of the term. Prior to the end of the day before the drop date, make final review of the drop list for accuracy. Ensure that all accounts have been reviewed for payment plans, pending financial aid or third-party awards, Veterans, and that all payments have been applied to the accounts.

10. CFA Staff: Prior to the drop date, review the drop lists to determine if any of the students have an ISIR on file that has not been pulled into the system. If so, mark students with as "N" on the AR2215UG screen to not be dropped due to pending financial aid.

11. AR Coordinator:

  • Set the AR2516CB report to print at 11:55 PM on the night before the drop date to update any last-minute items in system.  Schedule the AR2518CB to run at 12:05 AM, the morning after day five to complete the drop of the students on the list.
  • Send email with report to the Registration Cancellation Group.
  • Send letter in mail to each student that was dropped informing them of the action taken.  Students will also have notification of being dropped on the MinnState Web My Account and Registration site.
  • Monitor process and recommend to Director of Business Services any process improvements needed.

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.12 Tuition and Fee due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals and Waivers

Minnesota State system Procedure 5.12.3 Payment Related Dates and Registration Cancellation

Minnesota State system Procedure 5.12.5 Payment Plans


Policy author(s):
Wayne Wolden