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Repeating Courses Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
December 1, 2022


To provide an opportunity for students to meet course requirements and improve their grade point averages.


Passing grade

The College defines passing grades as letter grades A, B, C, D.

Grade point average (GPA)

Total grade point average of all courses taken at Minnesota State Community and Technical College.

Completion rate

Total percentage of all credits completed divided by all credits attempted, including credits transferred from other institutions.


All courses taken at Minnesota State Community and Technical College may be repeated (see below for important information regarding financial aid). If a course is repeated, all grades will appear on the student’s transcript, but the highest grade earned will be used to compute the student’s grade point average.

Exceptions include courses in which the course descriptions indicate they are repeatable for credit. In these cases, each attempt will count toward the student’s GPA and completion rate.

Financial aid may not cover the cost of repeated courses. In most cases, financial aid will fund one course repeat after a passing grade has been earned. For example, if a student takes a course and earns a ‘D’ grade, repeats that course and receives a ‘D’ grade or better, financial aid will not cover a third attempt. The course subject, prefix, and number must be identical in order to be considered a repeat course. The College advises students to consult the Financial Aid Office before repeating a course.


Financial Aid Office

Financial aid staff monitor repeated courses for financial aid eligibility.


Federal Student Aid Handbook

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) - Academic and Financial Aid Standing Policy

Minnesota State system Board Procedure 2.9.1 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Policy author(s):
Shawn Anderson
Sharlene Allen


DateDescription of Change

Updated policy language to be easier to understand and clarify financial aid implications for financial aid eligible students.

Completion rate definition updated.

Completion rate definition updated.