
Safety Footwear Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
January 1, 2012
Last content update:
January 1, 2012


Minnesota State Community and Technical College desires to provide a safe working environment for our employees. All employees of the College shall wear protective footwear when required by OSHA regulations, MSCTC policy, and/or state or federal regulations.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College has coordinated with the state contracted vendor to offer employees approved safety footwear at no cost to them for up to a maximum amount of $ 150.00. In the event that an employee has special needs or elects not to purchase from the state contracted vendor, the College will reimburse the employee for the actual cost up to a maximum of $150.00. Safety footwear will be provided once every 24 months if needed. Replacement because of work related damages within the 24 months will be covered by MSCTC. All upgrades that result in an amount greater than $ 150.00 shall be purchased at the employee’s expense.

Safety footwear purchasing shall be done through a purchase order handled through the campus business office with the state contracted vendor. Safety footwear shall not be purchased using the college purchasing card. Any reimbursements shall be processed through the normal employee business expense reimbursement procedure.


The purpose of this policy is to clearly state that Minnesota State Community and Technical College requires that foot protection be worn by all employees that work in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, and where such employees feet are exposed to electrical hazards. In addition, the policy establishes the dollar limit the college will contribute towards the purchase of safety footwear.



Ensure that employees requiring foot protection are wearing the appropriate safety footwear.

Business Managers

Work with the employees to handle the necessary paperwork for the employees to purchase safety footwear through the state approved contract.


Understand the risks of their working environment and if appropriate wear the required foot protection. Employees shall also work with the campus business office to properly purchase required safety footwear. If submitting for reimbursement, complete the employee expense report, get approved by supervisor, and submit to payroll office.

Payroll Office

Process any expense reimbursements submitted for safety footwear.


Materials Management Division Contract Release S-752(5)

Labor Agreements (AFSCME, MAPE, MMA, MSCF)

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Health and Safety Policy

Policy author(s):
Pat Nordick