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Staff Professional Development Policy (Non-Faculty)

Vice President of Human Resources
Human resources
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
January 27, 2021


Minnesota State Community and Technical College is committed to providing professional development opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of its employees. The College recognizes the importance of professional development to its mission, vision, values and strategic direction. The Staff Professional Development Policy supports opportunities for the growth and continuous improvement of staff.


Staff development activities are learning activities offered at the College or outside training programs that support employees in meeting personal, professional and/or career goals. These activities are defined broadly to include the following:

  • Campus, department college-wide and/or system office training
  • State or regional conferences sponsored by professional organizations
  • Equity and inclusion education and awareness
  • Staff or administrative in-service/duty days
  • Safety training
  • Minnesota State required training (ex.: Code of Conduct, Respectful Workplace, Data Practices, etc.)
  • Position-specific training
  • Leadership development (challenging work assignments and/or project work, institution or system-wide committee service, etc.)


Professional development funds can be used for costs associated with, but not limited to: workshops, webinars, seminars, conferences, membership in professional organizations, certificate programs, books and computer-based resources with a direct or relevant relationship to the job an employee performs.

Professional development opportunities that require release time from an employee’s normal work schedule are limited to 40 hours per fiscal year and must be approved by the supervisor and noted in the electronic timesheet (eTimesheet).

Approval is subject to annual budget planning and allocation.

College Courses

Reference your collective bargaining agreement if you are eligible for a tuition waiver.

If college coursework is not eligible for a tuition waiver yet provides a professional development opportunity for the employee, an application for the use of professional development funds can be submitted through the professional development process.


AFSCME, Supplemental Agreement, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, Article 6, Section 6, Employee Rights

Middle Management Association, Article 22, Section 3, Supervisor Rights

Commissioner’s Plan, Chapter 8 Employee Development and Career Advancement

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Staff Development Procedure

Minnesota Management and Budget Department of Employee Relations, Administrative Procedure 21 Employee Training and Development


Policy author(s):
Dacia Johnson


DateDescription of Change

Policy updated.