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Student Involvement in Decision-Making Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
December 31, 2011
Last content update:
April 23, 2012


To promote student participation in College decision-making and to ensure that the College listens to and values student concerns, ideas and perspectives.


The College values student participation in College planning and decision-making. The College shall give students the opportunity to participate in activities, committees, events and forums that are related to policy development and/or decision-making. Student committee members shall be selected by the Student Senate.

Exceptions to student participation on committees may include:

  • Committees established for the evaluation of personnel
  • Committees established under collective bargaining agreements
  • Management teams and presidential cabinets



Follow Board Procedure 2.3.1 Student Involvement in Decision-Making for Board Policy 2.3. and ensure policy compliance.

VP of Academic and Student Affairs

Follow Board Procedure 2.3.1 and ensure policy compliance.

Campus Designee, Executive Dean of Technology Solutions, Vice President of Finance and Facilities

Follow Board Procedure 2.3.1 Student Involvement in Decision-Making for Board Policy 2.3. as assigned by the President.

Academic Deans, Deans of Student Services, Student Senate Advisors

Assist the campus designee and/or other administrators with policy compliance and follow Board procedure 2.3.1 as assigned.

Faculty and Staff

Invite student participation in committees and initiatives.

Student Senate

Approve student committee member appointments

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 2.3 - Student Involvement in Decision-Making

Minnesota State system Board Procedure 2.3.1 - Student Involvement in Decision-Making