
Student Life Policy

Vice President of Student Affairs
Student policies
Effective date:
June 17, 2013
Last content update:
June 17, 2013


The College Student Life Advisory Committee shall adhere to established guidelines set forth in Minnesota State system Policy 2.8 Student Life. Campus Student Government Association/Student Senate programming is intended to provide for a wide variety and balance of student activities and events that complement the curricular offerings on each campus of the College. The Student Activity Fee for each campus shall fund the Student Government Association/Student Senate on each campus.

Each campus Student Government Association/Student Senate shall annually recommend to the College Student Life Advisory Committee the amount of that campus’ Student Activity Fee for the ensuing year, the allocation of any revenues, policies and procedures for oversight of the Student Activity Fees budget and expenditures consistent with system and institutional policies and procedures (See associated policies and procedures below). Funding decisions shall be made in a viewpoint neutral manner.

The College President shall approve, reject, or modify the fee and/or budget and authorize the collection and expenditure of such fees. The individual campus Student Government Association/Student Senates shall be consulted on any modification to the budget and expenditure recommendation prior to implementation. Student Activity balances shall have carry-over authority into the next fiscal year. Budget reserves may be established for each individual campus and their status shall be annually reported to the College Student Life Advisory Committee.


VP of Academic and Student Affairs or designee; Committee Chair
Vice President of Finance and Facilities or designee
Campus Student Government Association / Student Senate advisors

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Policy 2.8 - Student Life

Minnesota State system Procedure 2.8.1 - Student Life

Minnesota State system Policy 5.11 - Tuition and Fees

Minnesota State system Procedures 5.11.1 - Tuition and Fees