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Weather and Emergency Cancellations/ Closings Policy

Vice President of Human Resources
College Organization and Administrative
Effective date:
May 1, 2005
Last content update:
May 1, 2005


It is the policy of the College to ensure the health and safety of its employees and students. The authority to close the College or cancel classes due to weather conditions or other emergencies resides with the College president or the president’s designee(s).

Employees may be excused from duty with full pay in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency if continued operation would involve a threat to the health or safety of individuals. Cancellation of classes does not excuse any employee from work. Employees of the College, including faculty, may take personal or vacation leave or use earned compensatory time when classes are canceled and they choose to be absent from work.


The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of employees and students when weather or other emergency situations exist.


President or designee(s)

Develop written procedures which will be used to determine when weather conditions constitute a threat to the health and safety of College employees and students. Written procedures shall identify the following:

  • Processes for assessment of weather and travel conditions.
  • Positions and employees of the College who provide services that are essential to protect life and property during campus closings due to weather conditions.
  • Methods of notification of campus closings appropriate to employees, students and the public.
  • Maintain a list of emergency situations other than those which are due to weather conditions for which campus closure would be an appropriate action.


Ensure employees are provided with the policy and procedure related to weather or other emergency situations.

Employees and Students

Understand the policy and procedure related to weather or other emergency situations.

Supporting References

Minnesota Statute 12.21

Minnesota Statute 43A.05, subd.4

Related Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State system Board Policy 4.4 Weather/Short Term Emergency Closings