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College Catalog


On campuses in Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead and Wadena, M State offers its communities any program or service that a region would ask of a two-year higher education institution: transfer and liberal arts, vocational and technical education. Explore M State's offerings in the college catalog, where you'll find information about M State, detailed descriptions of our programs and majors, courses associated with each degree type, our academic calendar, and much more.

2023-2024 College Catalog

Catalog archive


The purpose of the catalog is to provide students, advisors, counselors, faculty and college administration a convenient way to view information about M State's programs, courses and other student service and academic functions.

While M State is committed to communicating in a timely and accurate manner, it is important for online catalog users to understand that this online publication is not intended to create any guarantees about current practices or program/course offerings. M State reserves the right to change or vary the content of this online publication, without notice to current or potential users, when in its sole discretion such changes, updates or variations are warranted. It is the user's responsibility to seek clarification and/or assistance from a college advisor or administrator regarding any content questions.

The most current publication of M State's online catalog supersedes all prior print or online publications.