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Limited Scope Radiography

Certification/Registration: The purpose of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification and registration is to recognize individuals qualified to perform a specific role. For example, the purpose of M State's Radiography certification and registration is to recognize individuals who are qualified to perform the role of a radiographer. Certification and registration requires satisfaction of certain professional standards in medical imaging, interventional procedures or radiation therapy.

Licensure: In some states, a state license must be obtained before you can work as a radiologic technologist. That differs from ARRT certification and registration. If you want to become certified and registered with ARRT, you must meet ARRT requirements and apply to ARRT. If you want to obtain a state license, you must meet the individual state’s requirements and apply directly to that state. More than 75 percent of states have licensing laws covering the practice of radiologic technology. In those states, you must obtain a state license before you can work as a radiologic technologist. In addition, many states use ARRT exam scores and/or credentials when making licensing decisions. In other words, some - but not all - states require you to be certified and registered through ARRT before you can obtain a state license. Keep in mind that earning an ARRT credential doesn’t necessarily mean you’re eligible to work in a particular state. You’ll need to meet that state’s requirements.

StateState Licensing Board or DepartmentState Licensing RequirementsNotes
AlabamaN/AMeetsThis state does not license personnel.
AlaskaAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesNot determined 
American Samoa Not determined 
ArizonaArizona Department of Health ServicesNot determined 
ArkansasArkansas Department of HealthNot determined 
CaliforniaCalifornia Department of Public HealthNot determined 
ColoradoColorado Department of Public Health and EnvironmentNot determined 
ConnecticutConnecticut State Department of Public HealthNot determined 
DelawareDelaware Office of Radiation ControlNot determined 
District of ColumbiaN/AMeetsThis state does not license personnel.
FloridaFlorida Department of HealthNot determined 
Georgia Not determinedLicenses equipment; does not license personnel. Regulations require six hours of radiation safety education.
Guam Not determined 
HawaiiState of Hawaii, Department of HealthNot determined 
IdahoIdaho Department of Health and WelfareNot determined 
IllinoisIllinois Emergency Management AgencyNot determined 
IndianaIndiana Department of HealthNot determined 
IowaIowa Department of Public HealthNot determined 
KansasKansas Board of Healing ArtsNot determined 
KentuckyKentucky Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation TherapyNot determined 
LouisianaLouisiana State Board of Medical ExaminersNot determined 
MaineState of Maine Professional and Financial RegulationNot determined 
MarylandMaryland Board of PhysiciansNot determined 
MassachusettsMassachusetts Radiation ControlNot determined 
MichiganMichigan Department of Labor and Economic OpportunityNot determined 
MinnesotaMinnesota Department of HealthMeetsThe ARRT limited scope radiography exam must be completed for certification/registration. M State meets the current requirements and the proposed rule changes. (Proposed rule changes are on hold due to COVID but are intended to go into effect in 2021. Licensure is currently not required in Minnesota, just certification by the ARRT (see certification and licensure explanations for the program above).
MississippiMississippi State Department of HealthNot determined 
MissouriN/AMeetsThis state does not license personnel.
Montana Not determined 
Nebraska Not determined 
NevadaNevada Department of Health and Human ServicesNot determined 
New HampshireNew Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and CertificationNot determined 
New JerseyState of new Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionNot determined 
New Mexico Not determined 
New YorkNew York State Department of HealthNot determined 
North CarolinaN/AMeetsThis state does not license personnel.
North DakotaNorth Dakota Imaging and Radiation Therapy BoardMeetsThe ARRT State Licensing Exam is required in North Dakota. ATTENTION: Taking the ARRT state exam limits the applicant to practice within North Dakota and does not qualify the applicant to hold the ARRT national certification. The NDMIRTB State Licensing Examination may not transfer to other states. The North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB) has a contract with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) to administer the ARRT Examination to individuals who meet the minimum standards detailed on the ARRT for State licensing. M State's LSR program meets the requirements of the state of North Dakota and the program is listed on the NDMIRT website.
Northern Mariana Islands Not determined 
OhioOhio Department of HealthNot determined 
OklahomaOklahoma Medical BoardNot determined 
OregonOregon Board of Medical ImagingNot determined 
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Department of Environmental ProtectionNot determined 
Puerto Rico Not determined 
Rhode IslandState of Rhode Island Department of HealthNot determined 
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Radiation Quality Standards AssociationNot determined 
South DakotaN/AMeetsThis state does not license personnel.
TennesseeTennessee Department of HealthNot determined 
TexasTexas Medical BoardNot determined 
US Virgin Islands Not determined 
UtahUtah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional LicensingNot determined 
VermontVermont Secretary of StateNot determined 
VirginiaVirginia Department of Health ProfessionsNot determined 
WashingtonWashington State Department of HealthNot determined 
West VirginiaWest Virginia Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of ExaminersNot determined 
WisconsinState of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional ServicesNot determined 
WyomingWyoming Professional Licensing BoardsNot determined 

Disclaimer: The college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M State shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.