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Campus Safety


Campus security

All crimes occurring on campus should be reported immediately to both campus administration and local law enforcement to ensure that appropriate action is taken. Crimes can be averted and suspects apprehended more quickly if suspicious activity is reported promptly. If someone's actions or a situation is disturbing or out of the ordinary, report it to the campus administration.

If you have an emergency, call 911 for your local law enforcement. The administration and police will assess the situation and take any necessary and appropriate action. Immediate documentation of an incident provides valuable information to law enforcement should you be either a victim of or witness to a crime.

College personnel have no enforcement authority over instance of criminal actions, thus college personnel are not expected to attempt to detain a person suspected of such actions. The college cooperates closely with local and state law enforcement.

Crime bulletins and statistics

M State shall by Oct. 1 of each year publish and distribute an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report as required by the Campus Security Act of 1990. A copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available at Student Development Services on each campus, Monday - Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and on the college website. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains information regarding any documented activity on campus or off campus if such activity takes place during an event sponsored by an organization recognized by the college. An electronic version of this report is published and distributed annually and is posted on the college website.

The dean of student success, working with local law enforcement, promptly publicizes any incident of criminal activity that poses a potential threat to the campus. See the downloadable publication Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for statistics concerning the occurrence of crimes reported to campus officials and local law enforcement.

EMERGENCIES: DIAL 911 to report crimes in progress or police, fire or medical emergencies on campus.

If there is a fire and no telephone is available, activate one of the fire alarms located throughout each campus.

City police non-emergency

  • Detroit Lakes  218.847.4222
  • Fergus Falls  218.998.8555
  • Moorhead  218.299.5120
  • Wadena  218.631.7700

County sheriff's departments

  • Detroit Lakes  218.847.2661
  • Fergus Falls  218.998.8555
  • Moorhead  911 or 218.299.5151
  • Wadena  218.631.7600

Security and access to campus buildings and grounds

The campus maintains posted hours that the campus is unlocked. Access to the buildings and offices is managed by the facilities services supervisor and the building staff. Specific security methods are established by the Campus Safety Committee. Although most buildings can be accessed by key after business hours, many are locked and alarmed after business hours. It is essential that staff, faculty, and students cooperate to keep locked facilities locked (do not prop open doors or leave doors unlocked if you enter after hours) and to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not enter campus buildings (do not open the door for individuals you do not know, protect the security of campus keys, and report immediately the loss or theft of keys to the Facilities Services Supervisor).

Educational and prevention services and programs

Information concerning campus security procedures and practices is presented annually as part of the student on-boarding process and at a staff in-service session. The Campus Safety Committee will review campus crime statistics and present recommendations to improve campus security.

Information to promote awareness of crime prevention tactics and encouragement for students and staff to be responsible for their own security and the security of others is presented at those times through the use of presentations, programs, and brochures.

Campus safety tips

  1. Travel in a group or pairs during evening hours.
  2. When attending evening classes, attempt to park as close to an
    entrance as possible.
  3. Escort service is available during evening hours. Custodial/security personnel are
    available on each campus to provide escort services as needed. Courtesy phones are
    located throughout each campus.
  4. M State encourages all members of the college to report any activities and/or
    conditions that affect campus safety to the campus administration.

M State encourages all members of the college to be responsible for their own safety. Educate yourself on these safety guidelines and use common sense.