Page management tools

Primary tabs


Design and Engineering Technology (Diploma)

Operating System
Windows 11 (Windows 10 acceptable)
Core i7 or equivalent, 3.0 GHz or greater
Hard Drive
Required: 500GB with at least 128GB free disk space; Recommended: 512 SSD with at least 128GB free
16 GB recommended; 8GB accepted
Additional Information

Laptop computers are required. Apple/Mac products are not supported.


Microsoft® Office suite products for Windows users is available to download or use in the cloud, free of charge, for all current M State students. The free download for a Windows based PC includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher and Access. For more details on how you can download and install the free Office 365, login to your SpartanNet Portal and under Other Resources, click FREE Office 365



CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive: Recommended

Ethernet Network: Required

Wireless Network: Required

USB Flash Drive Required - 32GB+ (Sold in Campus Bookstores)

  • Required Graphics: ATI or NVIDIA graphics card Dedicated Graphics RAM 2 GB - not shared, 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution
  • Internet connection for Autodesk® 360 functionality, web downloads, and Subscription Aware access
  • Adobe® Flash® Player
  • Microsoft® Mouse-compliant pointing device
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11 or higher
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SP1
  • SD Card Reader