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AMST2233 - Automatic Transmissions I



3 (2/1/0)


This course involves the principles of the multiple systems combined into an automatic transmission. The student will understand planetary gearing, clutch operation, band application and one-way clutching as they pertain to power flow through the transmission. The student will disassemble and make necessary adjustments and repairs on a variety of transmissions. The student will perform transmission fluid and filter changes where applicable.


  1. Exhibit safety precautions and professionalism.
  2. Interpret service information.
  3. Inspect and adjust transmission linkages.
  4. Perform automatic transmission fluid and filter service.
  5. Explain transmission power flow throughout various components.
  6. Inspect and adjust clearances of band linkages.
  7. Perform inspection of one-way holding clutches.
  8. Disassemble and reassemble clutches and test clearances.
  9. Perform air pressure tests on automatic transmission components.
  10. Inspect and replace bushings and seals where applicable.
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