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COMM2200 - Intercultural Communication



3 (3/0/0)


Meets MnTC Goal Areas 1 and 7. This course explores the nature of communication within and between cultures and co-cultures. This class will challenge students to think about their own cultural assumptions and explore ways in which these assumptions differ from those held by people in other cultures. Students will review theories of communication and culture and will examine how culture is evident in languages, behaviors, rituals, norms and worldviews. Students will observe and describe their own cultural background and will learn to respectfully communicate with members of other cultures.
  • Assessment into ENGL 1101


  1. Define culture and co-culture.
  2. Describe the verbal communication skills necessary for adapting to diverse cultures.
  3. Describe the nonverbal communication skills necessary for adapting to diverse cultures.
  4. Acknowledge personal identities, biases, strengths, challenges and opportunities in diverse intercultural communication situations.
  5. Develop the capacity to be inclusive of other cultures while better understanding one's own culture.
  6. Identify the differences in intercultural communication presented in professional settings.
  7. Recognize how cultural differences, attitudinal factors and characteristics of the communication process influence interaction in intercultural settings.
  8. Apply theoretical concepts, research findings and practical wisdom in the analysis of intercultural encounters.
  9. Examine the concept of group identity and its influence on communication in the global context.

Goal Areas

1. Communication
7A. Human Diversity
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