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DET1104 - Mechanical Drawing I



4 (2/2/0)


The objective of this course is to develop students' knowledge and use of machine and mechanical drafting, lettering practices, line identity and application, orthographic projection, dimensioning practices, and detail, section and auxiliary drawings.


  1. Analyze various types of technical drawings.
  2. Utilize conventional drafting equipment for sketching and drawing layout.
  3. Correctly read and interpret architectural, mechanical and metric scales.
  4. Apply sketching and lettering techniques to mechanical and engineering drawings.
  5. Demonstrate fundamental line construction skills and applications.
  6. Analyze and construct multi-view orthographic drawings.
  7. Create section view drawings.
  8. Create auxiliary view drawings.
  9. Create detail view drawings.
  10. Apply dimensions and annotations to appropriately define drawings.
  11. Construct and utilize industry appropriate titleblocks.
  12. Apply American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) standards appropriately to drawings.
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